Frequently Asked Questions

When and how do I register?

Please register online and pay via credit card or mail a check for your registration. Registration generally opens in the late winter or early spring.

Registration forms received before April 1st are eligible for the early bird discount of $215 for half-day sessions and $310 for all-day camp. Prices go up to $240 and $3335 after April 1st.

Do you allow drop ins or have a day rate?

For Summer 2024 we will accept registrations up until the weekend before camp starts if there is space. For a drop-in or daily rate please contact us as it depends on the week and staffing.

Can I upgrade from half-day camp to full-day camp after the week session has started?

Yes! If your child is having SO much fun at camp and wants to stay all day, extended rates are $25 per day.

If we are only able to attend a partial week, can I pay a pro-rated amount?

Yes! Per-day rates for the half day session are $60 per day, and full day sessions are $80 per day. This is depending on camp avaialbility, please contact us before planning on joining.

Do you take walk-in sign-ups on Monday?

At this moment, we willl take sign-ups Monday morning if you contact us beforehand.

Are there any discounts or special offers?

If you register prior to April 1st, you receive our early bird discount of $310 for full-day sessions and $215 for half-day sessions. If you are registering for multiple camps for your family (either multiple for one child or multiple children) you can get a discount code to use at registration. Please fill out this form for a discount code on your registration. If you register for 3-4 sessions, a 10% discount. Register for 5 or more sessions and a 15% discount is applied!

What is your cancelation policy

We do try to be as flexible as possible, but we also need to give our staff a reliabe schedule. Any cancelations after May 1st will have a $50 cancelation fee. After June 1st there is a 25% fee for a refund from cancelation. Pending avaialbility you may transfer your registration to another week this summer.

What should my child bring to camp?

Soccer shorts, shin guards, and cleats are generally recommended for all campers, though comfortable athletic attire and tennis shoes work too. We provide plenty of water breaks and a small snack break, but campers are welcome to bring their own lunches and water bottles. Sunscreen and/or hats are also recommended to prevent sunburns. **Please take note of what your child brings to camp each morning—sweatshirts, hats, and backpacks are often left behind at the end of the day and Santa Cruz Soccer Camp is not responsible for lost items.**

Do I need to bring a snack or lunch?

Yes, campers need to bring their own snack and lunch. All campers should bring some food and water, as we exert lots of energy in teh warm sun! Snack time is provided between 10:30 and 11:00am daily, with lunch for all-day campers at 12:30.

All day campers must bring a lunch.

Why is Friday special?

Friday is the culmination of each camp session. Parents arrive at noon for a parent-camper soccer game followed by an awards ceremony and a finger-food potluck barbeque. Please note that Friday all-day sessions end at 1:00pm!

What is the parent-camper game?

The parent-camper game is a unique experience offered only by Santa Cruz Soccer Camp! Parents and campers come together in the spirit of friendly competition for our weekly parents versus campers’ soccer game. The campers show off the skills, moves, and teamwork they learned throughout the week as the parents try to keep up. Split into two halves, the youngest groups play their parents first while the older campers cheer in support on the sidelines until they switch roles during ‘half time.’ Everyone is welcome—parents, grandparents, distant relatives, and friends are all encouraged to participate!

What should I bring to the BBQ?

Please bring some type of finger-food to contribute to the potluck barbeque. We provide hot dogs, buns, and plates. Cookies, brownies, fruit, and chips are usually in hot demand!

Do you offer camper scholarships?

Yes! We are proud to offer scholarships to campers in need. Please apply here for summer 2024.

How do I donate to the scholarship fund?

Our scholarship fund relies on generous donations from individual families and community organizations. If you would like to help us serve more kids in the community you can can add a donation when you register online.

Does Santa Cruz Soccer Camp operate during the year?

We currently do not offer any camps during the year. We are always thinking of new ideas and looking to expand, so stay tuned.

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Questions or comments? Call or email us at 831-316-3138 or